Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday, March 7th--Manaus Day 2

     We had a very interesting morning for sure.  It started by being awakened at 5am by sound of them out on the pier loading a new set of boats with the river villages' supplies.  They are still busy out there at 3pm.  Seems they work all day loading and depart late at night.
     As I mentioned yesterday we had been invited to join the ship's General Manager (Franck), Food & Beverage Manager (August), and the chef (Guido), to go with them to the fish market.  There were only 10 of us passengers invited for this rare and wonderful experience.  So we all hopped into two big vans and off we went with a local representative to do the communicating and tell the drivers where to take us.  The chef was looking for a specific large fish.  They had bought them in previous years in Manaus.  Regent does this same cruise every year.  So off we go and the first fish market was very close to the ship.  It was a building FULL of many kinds of fresh fish.  They were being scaled and cleaned for whoever was going to buy them.  As you will see in my photos there were 1000's of fish here of all types, most I had never seen.  No luck on finding the BIG fish they wanted so back in the vans and off to another fish market about 15 minutes further away.  Here we unloaded next to a fruit & vegetable market and walked onto a pier where fishing boats were backed up to it.  I did not see any fish so assume this is an early morning operation.  They bring them in and they are taken else where to be processed or sold.  Maybe where we just came from??  Anyway, we went to a specific boat and they apparently were expecting us as they had two LARGE fish laying out.  They had been frozen and were now partially thawed.  The chef checked them out thoroughly but seems these two had been already sold to a local restaurant.  So they went into freezer on the boat and bought out two more that were frozen solid as a rock.  Then the negotiations began about price.  While that was being done we all had our photos taken with the chef and the other two fish.  You will see just how large they were.  So then they weighed the fish.  The total was 140 kilograms/308 pounds.  The price settled upon was $1000 for them.  Sounded like a lot to me but figured out to $3.25 per pound.  Linda, one of our friends, told Franck that is what they were paying per day on this cruise so to forget the fish and just give them an extra day.  He got a chuckle out of that.  Now the problem was they would not accept dollars in payment.  So the loaded the two frozen fish into a small motor boat to take them to the ship direct.  The GM told the chef to go with the fish as no one on the ship would accept them.  It was so funny to see Guido and these two frozen fish sticking up like masts on the small boat.  Some of the guests had not been to the Opera House like we had done yesterday so we all went there again.  While we were there, the representative had to run to the ship to pay for the fish in Real (Brazilian money).  On the way back to the ship, we and another couple were dropped off at the market not far from the ship so we could check out the thousands of stands in this city.  I have never seen so many shops.  Not only were there the normal stores but both sides of the streets in from of the stores were lined with small stands.  Incredible!!
     It was very hot by noon when we came back to the ship.  So far no rain today but I'm now looking at a thunderstorm just on other side of the city.  Had some lunch and Rebecca is working out now.  I have requested Dover sole and polenta for our dinner.  Not sure when they will be preparing the fish we bought today.  They have to thaw out first.  The F&B mgr said they have a special "thawing" frig.
     We are sailing at 5pm today.  Goren, who was the asst F&B mgr and our good friend now, is leaving the ship at 4:30 to fly home to Serbia for his vacation.  We will go down to see him off.  Erica, his wife and the Executive Concierge here, will stay until we get to Ft Lauderdale, then go join him.
     Today was such a special day and one we will not forget.  Few people get to do what we experienced today.  Hope you all had as much fun as us!